All project requests are defined as they come in and sent to IT Governance for consideration. From there, the project enters the quarterly planning cycle, which divides the year up into 3-month quarters starting in September (Q1). Generally, planning takes place during the quarter preceding execution of the project. The actual completion date of a project is also determined by that project’s priority as determined by the IT Governance Council.
In general, most projects, once committed to, are completed within 4-6 months, unless the project is sufficiently large to span multiple quarters.
When in doubt, submit a help request. If a project request is required, your liaison will contact you and work with you to fill out the project request.
New help requests are received a documented in ServiceNow, an IT service tool that is used across the university. Help requests (aka Tickets) are triaged as they come in and categorized based upon the response. Most tickets are solved at Level 1 which is during the initial call or shortly afterwards. More complex tickets may be elevated to Level 2 which is staffed by full-time IT professionals. Some tickets such as account creations/deletions, new equipment, and other service-related items are scheduled. ServiceNow helps us keep track of these and process them at the appropriate time. Tickets that require an in-depth response from one of the other Technology Services – Student Affairs teams are sent to their respective queues. Depending on the type of request, so tickets (such as new feature requests or application bugs) may take some time to complete. In any event, you should receive routine communication on your tickets, usually every 3-5 days if the ticket is longstanding.
Once a request is submitted, here are the next steps:
- Your departmental IT Liaison will review your request and could ask for more information about your project prior to IT Governance review.
- Your request will be reviewed by IT Governance and prioritized. You may be asked to attend IT Governance and talk about your project.
- Your request will be scheduled and converted to a project. Your IT Liaison will discuss the schedule with you and answer any questions you may have
If you have any question about the project, please contact your departmental liaison.
Projects can be submitted by filling out the project request form on the website. Prior to submitting the form, you should have discussed the project and received approval from your director and have a good idea of the scope of the project.
Visit the Getting Help page on the website for full details. You can get help by calling the Service Desk at 979-862-7990, by emailing [email protected] or by dropping by the Service Desk Desk in the Koldus building, 2nd floor Suite 227.
Any work that is routine and will take less than 20 hours to complete is considered to be a baseline task. Baseline tasks are scheduled and completed as they are received. Recurring tasks such as getting an application ready for an event can be scheduled out according to the departmental process calendar.
Any work that is non-routine (i.e., not baseline) and equal to or exceeds 20 hours of estimated time to complete is considered a project. Projects are completed within the quarterly project cycle.
After using EmpowerID for a number of years, Technology Services – Student Affairs decided to retire the service in May, 2015 for a number of reasons. The interface was old and poorly designed, resulting in some users having trouble with it. For password resets, the best way to change your password is to press Ctrl-Alt-Del and select the “Change Password” option. For forgotten password, simply call the Service Desk at 979-492-9598 and they will help you.