There’s a great new service offered by TAMU Libraries. They have digitized the entire collection of Aggieland yearbooks and put them online, in searchable format with a nice browsing interface. Looking through the old yearbooks, reading their editorials and letters, one can get the sense of how our predecessors lived in Aggieland. Browsing the first 1895 edition of the “annual” titled “Olio” is a nostalgic experience. I especially like the Red Headed Club. Here is a quote as the students describe a small pond located in front of the faculty’s cottages:
Just in front of the last of these cosy residences, and not a great way off, is the College Lake surrounded by an abundant growth of cat-tails and willows. A more delightfully picturesque spot could not be imagined.
Many’s the time some love-sick soldier boy, in light canoe, on this placid lake, has made rash vows to his dulcinea while the breezes whistfully sighed among the drooping willows, and the moon discretely hid behind some passing cloud.
I love it when new technology can give us a glimpse of the past in a new way. Being able to view our wonderful collection of yearbooks online is a great way to conserve our traditions for generations to come.