IT Essential Training

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The Priority Triangle

DSA employees need to use a large number of programs and applications on their IT systems in their workflow. new employees may differ in their skill level with all these applications. To help them build up their skill levels we have designed this training page which provides training paths to a large number of widely used programs and applications. This page is organized according to the Priority Triangle to make it easy for employees to sequence their learning based on the priority of usage of the programs and applications. The Priority Learning Triangle is an effective way of covering large contents of training and for learning new tools and technologies.

This set of training is called Vital training. These are the training that we feel a new employee must know well within 30 days from the start date. They are mostly related to storage drives and the communication channels they would use with their teams. Some of them are:

  1. Google Drive
  2. OneDrive
  3. Outlook
  4. Zoom
  5. Microsoft Teams
  6. Acrobat

This falls into the category of Essential training. It is always good to have a working knowledge of some tools and technologies that are used more frequently. These cover note-taking and information-building technologies that aid you in organizing and prioritizing tasks. You should aim to be proficient with them within 60 days from your start date. Some of these are:

  1. Whiteboard
  2. OneNote
  3. Viva
  4. Forms
  5. Planner

This can be categorized as desirable training. By around 90 days from your start date, you must be well-versed with the tools and technologies that you use on a daily basis. Thereafter you should enhance your learning by familiarizing yourself with some moreĀ  advanced tools being used:

  1. Power BI
  2. Bookings
  3. Streams
  4. Lists